Sunday, April 14, 2013

SNL on Gun Control

‘SNL’ derides the Senate’s pointless, background check bill in gun control skit

snl-obama“Saturday Night Live” went after the Senate’s pointless gun control bill in it’s opening skit, noting that the background checks proposed in the bill won’t make anyone safer.
The popular variety show trotted out Bill Hadar Jason Sudeikis and to play the legislation’s two main sponsors – Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) to tell Americans just how useless their legislation is. The skit equated the proposed regulations in the bill to asking gun purchasers, “Are you a good person?” before allowing them to buy the firearm.
“Is this bill what we wanted? No. No. Is this bill what the NRA wanted? No. But does it at least help in some small way? No. Probably not,” the duo says.
Manchin and Toomey’s actual bill will make background checks more extensive on firearms sold over the Internet and at gun shows. However, in SNL’s pretend version of the bill, the two also limit the number of guns individuals can shoot at once to two, ban the purchase of AK-47s from vending machines and place new restrictions on Papa John’s ‘buy two medium pizzas and get a free gun’ deal.
Jay Pharoah, the show’s resident Obama impersonator, also appears in the skit to tout the Senate’s progress – or lack thereof – on gun control reforms.
“As you know, over the last few months, I have made gun control legislation a top priority for my administration.Which is why I am so excited to announce that is this week the Senate voted 68-31 to begin debating the idea of discussing gun control,” the President says at the beginning of the skit. “Let me say that again – they’ve agreed to think about talking about gun control – amazing.”
However, the two Senators indicate that regardless of whether gun control legislation makes it out of the Senate, it will get “shot down” in the House.
“And that is not a metaphor,” Sudeikis, as Manchin, adds. “No, they will literally throw the bill up in the air and shoot it with a gun. I’ve seen it done.”
Fake President Barack Obama also comes back at the end of the skit to play the pity card, complaining that it’s impossible to get anything done in Washington between the gridlock in Congress and Jay-Z rapping about the POTUS giving him permission to go to Cuba.

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